How to Say No to Kittens


So, my husband found a teeny-tiny kitten in my driveway last week. Cute as a button, right?

No, we don’t live in the country. The man might secretly be Dr. Doolittle with how many strays he’s bringing into our lives.

My plate is already piled high with family and work. We already have a full pets roster at our house and I’ve said more than once recently that I don’t need anything else that I have to feed. The dilemma was real.

My kids, of course, immediately fell head over heels for this little furball. They begged to keep her. They made promises and offers of bribery. They gave her a name. I even considered it for all of 2 minutes, but deep down, I knew the truth. I had to exercise my "no."

See, this situation is a lot like the ones many of us face in business. Opportunities come knocking, and they often seem exciting and fun. But they can also stretch us thin and drain our resources, just like taking care of a kitten when you're not a pro at it.

In the end, I made the tough call. I found an experienced kitten foster who could provide the care and attention this tiny feline needed. Sure, it was tempting to keep her, but I had to consider the bigger picture.

And you know what? The kitten is thriving in her new home, probably better off than she would have been with us rookie kitten-raisers.

The moral of the story? Setting boundaries isn't about saying "no" to everything; it's about making thoughtful choices that align with your capabilities and priorities. It's about understanding when to pass up on the fun opportunities so you can focus on what truly matters.

So, the next time you're faced with a tempting but potentially overwhelming opportunity, remember the kitten in the driveway. Make your decision with empathy and practicality, and you'll find the right balance for your business and your life.

Stay nerdy, stay knowledgeable, and most importantly, stay true to your priorities!

Samantha Dillenback